The 3Dmm Corner
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Welcome to the unauthorised, unofficial, non-profit 3D Movie Maker site. We have been around since July 19th, 2001 and we hope to stay a while.

We let you watch 3D Movie Maker movies provided that you have 3D Movie Maker. If you have anything to say, just use our guestbook! We try to check it as often as possible. Note:You NEED 3D Movie Maker to watch our movies! If you don't have it, buy it, if you can't find it, get a friend to burn it, and; if all else fails, ransack a store and steal it! Thank you.

Or you can simply buy it


What's New?


Hey hey. Sorry for not updateing for a LONG time. I've just been busy trying to fix my cd ROM drive because it seems to be broken. So don't expect any movies soon. Sorry. But we did get a movie from Niceguy Nick. The movie is called Nick vs. Frederick. It's pretty funny! When I get my cd rom drive working, I'll put it up right away!


Im starting to make a war movie called Wars Son. At this point im still not sure if i should make it a comedy movie or try to make it serios. most likely ill start at serios and it will turn out funny. Oh well it works for me. Im not going to make a trailer for it because i feel it will take a long time to make. I started on it just to day so dont exepect it to be done fast.


Please support us by sending us your movies! We'll try to post them all up. We don't have that many movies now, but hopefully we will soon! Thanks!